Lydia - Main Queen Bee
Jasmine - Queen Bee Follower
Ellouise - Queen Bee Follower
Natasha - New Girl
Shot List
Shot One
Movement shot on a Dolly -
Shot of Apple Tizer 'Champagne', the shot then moves up into a moving shot between two people talking, then it moves through the Social Groups of the school.
Shot Two
Establishing shot, we're also going to sound bridge the voice over from shot one into shot two to link the two together. This will be filmed from the top of the school, we're going to see the different social groups and the Queen Bee & her followers walking into school ready for the start of the day.
Shot Three
Medium Shot - steady cam. This shot is of a car, with Lydia (the Queen bee) getting out of the car and she shot shows just the bottom of the car door opening and then just her feet getting out of the car, with really 'posh' shoes on, different to everyone Else's. (Close Up)
Shot Four
Tilt shot, of Lydia, from her shoes when she gets out of the car upwards so we can see what she is wearing, and how she differs from everyone else in the school.
Shot Five
Low angle, medium shot of Lydia, Jasmine & Ellouise walking down the corridor talking about the new girl.
Shot Six
A P.O.V shot from Lydia & her Followers point of view, they're going to be looking at all the different social groups.
Shot Seven
Natasha and her older brother (Robert) in his car being driven to school
Shot Eight
Long shot of Natasha (the New Girl) getting out of her car, close up of her feet getting out.
Shot Nine
Tilt of Natasha from her feet up (shows the contrast between Lydia & Natasha)
Shot Ten
Low Angle, P.O.V from Natasha
Shot Eleven
Extreme Close up of Natasha's Face
Shot Twelve
Long shot, Introduction between Natasha & Lydia
Shot Thirteen
[linked to previous Shot)
Arc round to Natasha's shoulder, Q.B come and get Natasha
Shot Fourteen
Close up of Lydia Talking in foreground, in background Natasha will be being slightly changed
Shot Fifteen
[montage] of Lip gloss being applied to Natasha's lips
Her plaits being undone in her hair
Her Skirt being Shortened
Shirt being unbuttoned
Tie being Loosened
Glasses being taken off
Shot Sixteen
Mid shot of Natasha - Now 'Tash'
Queen bee's stood to side of her
Shot Seventeen
Close up of Lydia's lips saying 'Welcome to St Ivans!'
By Laura :D
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