Monday, 1 February 2010


I have had a few concerns over the past couple of days, I think that we're not talking as much as we used to about what we're filming and I felt a bit left out, so I think we need to talk a bit more about what we're filming so that we're all certain on what we're doing. I am also concerned if we're going to be able to finish the filming and editing of the whole movie. After half term we have 5 and a half weeks to complete and have a fully finished and polished off movie. I think that we should be able to do it, but we're going to have to do editing after school and at lunch. As Hannah and Alana don't live near to the school after school sessions are going to be difficult as they will not be able to get home. We also need to remember to add titles onto the beginning of the film to introduce our characters, we need to have a look on our editing suite to see if we can do this on Adobe. If not I am sure that we can go on Windows Movie Maker to add the credits as it is easy to do it on there. Today we're filming another scene where we see the Queen Bees bitching about Tasha. We're going to film this in the B block toilets as they are bigger and no-one really uses them. We are going to film 5th period so hopefully there will not be anyone in the toilets at that time apart from us, as everyone should be in a lesson. If not then we will have to film after school which would be a lot easier, as if we don't finish filming within the hour then we might be disturbed by the school bell signifying the end of the day.

By Laura (:

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