Wednesday 18 November 2009

Preliminary Task Continued

I think that our preliminary task is a very good first attempt of successful filming. The overall atmosphere of the clip is emphasised by the eerie piano music that we found a couple of hours before our final deadline. I am very please with the editing. However, the match on action could of been done better as there is a small pause between the two shots.
I also like how the clip is in black and white which gives the suspension atmosphere we were trying to created.
We also did very well on getting many different camera shots and angles into the filming. However, I believe that the filming isn't yet smooth enough. Although I'm sure we will be able to get that sorted out for our final film.
I agree with Hannah's idea of creating our own dolly and trying find a video on YouTube to help us. It could really help us get a smooth film.

But overall I am very please that the film is on YouTube and posted on our blog so others can comment and tell us what we need to improve on.
Now we should start figuring out what we're going to be doing for our final film.
What genre should we do?
What is the storyline?
Where should the filming take place?
Who would be the best actors to use?
But I am sure that the final film will be a lot better than our preliminary task.

By Alana

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Preliminary Task

I am so proud of our Preliminary Task; it looks so good and I am so pleased that we were able to find music that fits perfectly to our scenes, mood and dialogue. I feel that putting our Preliminary Task in black and white this again suggests the eerie and dark mood and atmosphere, this accompanied by the piano really sets the tone of our P.T. I think that we have really made a good attempt at camera angles, although I feel that we are making the movement of the film is still to wobbly, maybe we should try a way to create a smooth effect maybe a dolly would be useful. I think we should maybe look something up on YouTube. Also there was a lot of background noise, if we could find away to tune that out it would be very helpful as the background noise takes some concentration off of the Preliminary Task, which does take some of the edge off of the clip. I would also like us to concentrate on making better continuity throughout the clips, in the future. I feel the editing is amazing, there are very little parts that need to be adjusted and I'm sure we will improve by the final film clip.
Well done guys :)

By Hannah

Our Preliminary Task

This is our second attempt at filming but is our first official preliminary task.

Thoughts on Laura's and Alana'a comment

Oh, don't worry about that Laura, just spoken to Mr. Oswick and he said that he is now up to date with how to work the Adobe software. We also have Dan who is hopefully going to help us successfully upload our video onto YouTube, I will let you know how that goes. I love the 'Underworld' clip, it really odes have all the elements that we would hope for in a horror film, although i do agree with Alana and think that the horror aspect would not allow us to achieve a true potential. Going along the chick flick aspect would definitely be a lot more accomplishable and i feel would be vastly more effective and therefore believable.
I really love what we have done with our now finished preliminary task, I will see whether we can upload it now!

By Hannah

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Problems encountered

I tried to upload our daytime stalker video to YouTube and encountered a problem;
When it uploaded the video but then it said that the video format wasn't supported so it couldn't upload. So I don't know what to do about it cause if we cant upload a simple video then how are we going to upload our preliminary and final tasks?
either me Alana or Hannah will need to talk to Mr Oswick or ms martin to sort this out.
I will try again later :)

By Laura (:

Underworld Clip - Horror

This is a clip from the film Underworld, We chose this because if we did a horror film then this would be perfect to compare it to, as it is very dark. With the equipment we have, we wont be able to see any of the facial expressions, or if we wanted to focus on specific things, we wouldn't be able to see it as the film probably is too dark for us to do one like it. The opening clip is very simple but it is very effective.

By Laura

Filming Suggestions

Our film of the day-time stalker is a good example of how we aren't yet fully able to control the camera and the smoothness of the tracking. I think we should try an create our own dolly to help with the jerking of filming. However, we have used many different camera angles, shots and movement such as; high angle, long shot, low angle, pan, arc etc. We also used match on action. I just think we need to try a lot harder with making the filming as smooth as possible.
If we do a horror for our main task I believe that we will encounter many problems with lighting, mise-en-scene, camera movement and editing. It will be fun to film but I don't think we'll reach our full potential.
Whereas if we do a chick flick i think we could experiment a lot more with different angles, shots and movement. Also we can put a 'British edge' to the film to make it more realistic and appealing to our audience.

By Alana

Film Feedback

I really like what we have done with the day time stalker type of scene. I think we have done a great deal of camera angles and we have done also a lot of experimentation. I think that we need to practice a lot more though. I think we should upload some more YouTube film trailers so then we pick and choice what we do and do not like. I think it will be hard if we are going to scary film and we will need to do a lot more work into actually making it scary. we also need to make it smoother i think we are still really wobbly on the filming and moving part. I will try and find some more film trailers. Also i think that Alana is making a YouTube account.
I was thinking that maybe a chick flick would look more effective if we cannot pull off the horror theme well enough.
Let me know what you think..

by Hannah