Tuesday 17 November 2009

Preliminary Task

I am so proud of our Preliminary Task; it looks so good and I am so pleased that we were able to find music that fits perfectly to our scenes, mood and dialogue. I feel that putting our Preliminary Task in black and white this again suggests the eerie and dark mood and atmosphere, this accompanied by the piano really sets the tone of our P.T. I think that we have really made a good attempt at camera angles, although I feel that we are making the movement of the film is still to wobbly, maybe we should try a way to create a smooth effect maybe a dolly would be useful. I think we should maybe look something up on YouTube. Also there was a lot of background noise, if we could find away to tune that out it would be very helpful as the background noise takes some concentration off of the Preliminary Task, which does take some of the edge off of the clip. I would also like us to concentrate on making better continuity throughout the clips, in the future. I feel the editing is amazing, there are very little parts that need to be adjusted and I'm sure we will improve by the final film clip.
Well done guys :)

By Hannah

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