Wednesday 11 November 2009

Filming Suggestions

Our film of the day-time stalker is a good example of how we aren't yet fully able to control the camera and the smoothness of the tracking. I think we should try an create our own dolly to help with the jerking of filming. However, we have used many different camera angles, shots and movement such as; high angle, long shot, low angle, pan, arc etc. We also used match on action. I just think we need to try a lot harder with making the filming as smooth as possible.
If we do a horror for our main task I believe that we will encounter many problems with lighting, mise-en-scene, camera movement and editing. It will be fun to film but I don't think we'll reach our full potential.
Whereas if we do a chick flick i think we could experiment a lot more with different angles, shots and movement. Also we can put a 'British edge' to the film to make it more realistic and appealing to our audience.

By Alana

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