Wednesday 18 November 2009

Preliminary Task Continued

I think that our preliminary task is a very good first attempt of successful filming. The overall atmosphere of the clip is emphasised by the eerie piano music that we found a couple of hours before our final deadline. I am very please with the editing. However, the match on action could of been done better as there is a small pause between the two shots.
I also like how the clip is in black and white which gives the suspension atmosphere we were trying to created.
We also did very well on getting many different camera shots and angles into the filming. However, I believe that the filming isn't yet smooth enough. Although I'm sure we will be able to get that sorted out for our final film.
I agree with Hannah's idea of creating our own dolly and trying find a video on YouTube to help us. It could really help us get a smooth film.

But overall I am very please that the film is on YouTube and posted on our blog so others can comment and tell us what we need to improve on.
Now we should start figuring out what we're going to be doing for our final film.
What genre should we do?
What is the storyline?
Where should the filming take place?
Who would be the best actors to use?
But I am sure that the final film will be a lot better than our preliminary task.

By Alana

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