Wednesday 2 December 2009

Angus, Thongs & Perfect-Snogging

Here i have found the opening to the film 'Angus, thongs and perfect snogging' i have choosen to look at this type of chickflick as it is British (actors, location and idea for film), this shows how films are approached in England and not America. this shows how differnt each can be, in here we see lots of uses of english accents, vocabulary and also settings. this would again be very useful as we are bristsh and are producing a bristish film. in the first wo minutes of the clip we see alot, giving the action packed suggestion toward the film. we as the audience are able to determin the mood of the film, the genre and the target audience just by the opening two minutes, which is again things that we need to ask ourselves. The film uses natuaral lighting giving the realistic take on the film, there are also a wide range of shots shown through the clip, such as mid shots, close up, establishing shots, high angles, low angles and jump cuts (these are possibly the most effective type of cuts) I loved the use of mise-en-scene to the clothes and make-up really give a sense of real life, sucking the audience in, the extras are alos somthing we need to consider in great deatial if we are thinking of doing a school theme with lots of groups of pupils. I will have a look into mise-en-scene if we are going to look at differnt social groups. Another thing that i homed in on was the fact that the credits appear once the film has started keeping the audience entertained but also able to clearly see the cast and crew within the film, again i was thinking we could go along those types of lines, which may well pull off to look effective and also professional. I found intersting that they used a bristish band within the film clip(2min clip) enhancing the Bristish theme of the film within the short 2 min clip. If we are able to i would really like to have some sort of British link with the music, i think we will be albe to come up with our own small peice of music if we are not able to come up with a copy right peice that we could use. Overal i really like this film and enjoy the quirky energy that it possess, giving the film a edge from other chick-flicks.

hope this is somewhat helpful.

By Hannah

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