Tuesday 23 March 2010

Evaluation: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Here I have decided to talk about the easiest character that I can which is Lydia. I have chosen to write about Lydia as I was the one who acted as her. I took some of my inspiration from chick-flicks I had seen such as mean girls and Angus, thongs and perfect snogging. The characters of Regina George (mean girls) 'Wet Lindsay' (Angus, thongs..) and 'Kate' (Wild Child).

Regina George was maybe one of the most well known chick-flick 'Queen Bees'. Within mean girls Regina George is a very controlling and possessive character. Other characters see her as a 'plastic' as she has the perfect figure, face and personality. Lydia was someone as early on as we can remember we wanted to be a really popular and admired by all the girls and boys within her school. Regina was also the dominate teen within the trio within the mean girl group. The mean Girl trio were the top of the school and were noted as the popular group. This is another thing we tried to demonstrate within our film. One of the differences with the two characters is that Regina George is American and so some of the language used by this character was not something we wanted for our British Queen Bee, to look for someone with a more British take we looked at 'Wet Lindsay' as she was British and also had the same status within the 'Angus, thongs..' movie.

'Wet Lindsay' was a key character that we looked at to get some of the more British school girl look that would be more appropriate for our British film. Lindsay was a really believable character and was very bitchy which was another quality that we wanted Lydia to have a bitchy quality to her, so the audience would not feel to in love with the character, but rather place their empathy with the character of Natasha. We wanted Lydia to appear as a very confident character who was comfortable with her life, that she was able to rule the people around her, so that she could manipulate the situation to her own climate. We saw a lot of this in the character of Lindsay. We used a lot of the influence of the uniform from the social group of Lindsay's. The low buttoned shorts, breast on show and very short skirt, demonstrated to use the ways in which we could accessorize our own uniforms to show the difference in social groups.

Both the characters Regina and Lindsay have two main followers which we again showed with Jasmin and Ellouise following Lydia around. I was particularly eager to replicate the relationship between these three characters, which i think we really were able to do with the dumb blonde, attractive brunette and the controlling alpha Queen bee.

By Hannah

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