Monday 22 March 2010

Evaluation: How does your media product represent social groups?

This is Amy who played Ellouise.

This is Jas from 'Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging'. And this is Karen from 'Mean Girls'.

I chose these characters from other films because Karen and Jas come across as the dim characters of the popular group and this is how we tried to portray Ellouise.
The similarities are that they all have blonde hair which states the stereo typical stupid student and they are also all thin and pretty/self obsessed. Also the similarities between Karen and Ellouise is that they say things that they shouldn't, for example Ellouise tells Natasha Lydia got with her boyfriend, which is a very 'blonde' thing to do.
Amy's character is more similar to Karen from 'Mean Girls' as they are already a big part in the queen bee status group at school.
The differences though are that Jas from 'Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging' isn't actually in the popular group at school to begin with which is completely the opposite to Karen and Ellouise who are in that social group to begin with. The other difference is that Karen is an American character compared to the British atmosphere we went for.

By Alana

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