Thursday 25 March 2010

Evaluation: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Here we have gathered some responses from our target audience. We decided to show some of the students from our school our film and then ask them to comment on their thoughts of the film. We decided to use a wide range of people within our target audience, this would give us a lot of feed back as to what could be improved or what really triggered their enjoyment while viewing the film. Another thing that we took into consideration was that we decided to ask people who were not our friends, therefore meaning they were not biased during their feed back.

Feed back that we have acquired:

Dan Rossell: 'Very good, editing is great, camera work is good and I like the fact you have included pictures as well as the video footage in your opening sequence :) You have used the 180 degree rule well. You also have an excellent use of sound as each piece matches up with the opening. Well done guys, good job. :)'

Amy Stewart: 'I like how you have started with the present and shown the story, then it goes back to 6 months earlier and how it happened. I also like how the music stops when the "she got with your boyfriend" line happens so it is emphasised. I also like the close ups show facial expression which is important in the story. I like the music you have used as it shows the genre well. The transitions work really well and make it seem more realistic. Costume shows the characters well aswell. Good :)'

Sarah Thompson: 'I thought that the film had a very unique way of starting. You could tell that it was a film that was meant for teenage girls. The writing was really cool how it appeared while people were still doing stuff, so you didn't get bored. I think that the sound was a bit dodgy in places and would need a bit of fine tuning, which would make it better. but I really enjoyed it :)'

Amelia Jones: 'I thought that the film itself was really good and the plot line was well thought out and it flows continuously throughout the whole two minute clip. The only criticism I can give of this clip is that the music in the background is sometimes louder than the dialogue which can sometimes make it hard for the audience to listen to the clip and what is being said. Altogether I think that this clip is very effective and it defiantly fits into the Chick Flick genre.'

By Alana Hannah and Laura

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