Tuesday 16 March 2010

Thoughts on the Animated Storyboard

I really love that we now have our animated story board and think that Alana has really been able to capture the camera movement and also the changes within editing. We have been able to use scenes from the original story board that I have created to the edited one that Lora had added and deleted new and old scenes. Alana has now been able to merge the two together and so they flow through with one another and they also make sense for the audience.
The animated story board means that we as the filmer's, directors and editors are able to see how our own film can become one opening that makes sense using our mise-en-scene to make continuity and match-on-action, to give the free following movement of the characters. This enables use to have guidelines into what we are doing but also within editing we are able to reflect back onto what our camera angles and shot types we are using, not to mention the editing techniques that we had decided to use such as the parallel editing between the two characters.

By Hannah

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