Monday 1 February 2010

Certificate Rating

I did some research into Chick Flick age rating and most of the films are either PG or 12 which would be good for our film as we are attempting to have our film like a common Chick Flick.

I also think that we should use either PG or 12 rating because of maybe the language.
I don't think we should use 15 or 18 age rating because obviously we don't have total appalling language or any sex scene in our film. Also their isn't any actions or explosion scenes which many 15 or 18 films include.
Also our film won't be a U rating because that's normally for Disney children films which are all happy, joyful and colourful
We should decide on whether we think our film is a PG or 12 rating and find a picture or quick video of the certificate and added to our film.


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