Monday 1 February 2010

Filming Today

Today in period 5 we filmed the 'toilet scene', this went really well as after my post earlier about us communicating together better obviously worked as we all voiced our opinions of shots and I thought that this scene went really really well
We used a lot of shots in this scene and I thought it was one of the best scenes that flowed together properly, the script that Hannah and Alana wrote was amazing and well thought out. We had originally planned to film this in the B corridor toilets but we found a massive disabled toilet in the 6th form changing rooms where we had been getting everyone ready so we decided to use this instead, this turned out to be a very wise decision as then we didn't have to disturb any ones lessons and we didn't have to move equipment around. The actual filming was very smooth and we used a lot of shots such as:
  • Point of view shot

  • Over the shoulder shot

  • High angle shot

  • Low angle shot
  • 'Mirror shot' - as if the girls were looking into the mirror
  • Sound Bridge

I think that the mix of shots used in this shot all work well with each other
The sound bridge that we used worked well as well, we used this when Jasmine was talking as I did a pan from the two other girls down to Jasmine to see her finish off what she was saying.
I think that this was a good idea and it works well with the rest of the scene as we don't have a sound bridge anywhere else.

This scene has given me the confidence to know that we should have everything filmed by the end of the next week of so so we can begin the long task of editing everything, as to make sure that everything is completed.

By Laura (:

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