Tuesday 9 February 2010


Yesterday I cut down the vast majority of the re-re-re filmed After party scene, although this scene is longer than a minute we are going to finish filming today as we are filming the last bit which is the transformation scene - the scene where the Queen Bees transform Milly's character. Once we have uploaded this scene onto adobe we will begin the long process of editing everything. Once we have uploaded everything we will inter cut the scenes into each other and cut them down to the bare minimum to keep with the strict 2 minute time limit.

With regards to Alana's post about the sound I have suggested to her that we use Itunes, as on Itunes you can cut the start and end time on a song to make it shorter, which would be useful as the music we have found for her scene is a 30 second clip and if we only need the music for 20 seconds then we can cut either the end time or the start time, this will be useful for the shorter scenes where we may have a longer bit of music which is perfect but it is too long.

By Laura (:

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