Monday 1 February 2010

Thoughts On Laura's Comment

I think that we do need to talk a bit more as we all seem to be confused about people and what they are doing on what day in which scene. We have all tired to arrange things as best we can and we all need to meet soon today to discuss our ideas and thoughts on our film. We already have decided on the setting for today as I suggested the B block toilets and we all agreed it would be a good place to film. Lora said it is quiet and in quite nice shape. I also suggested that one girl in school uniform enters the toilets to use it but is pushed out by the Queen Bees as they are the ones in there, if Lora wanted to appear in the film now would be a good time as we can show the divide of social groups. let me know your thoughts of this.
I am currently writing the script with Alana and if Lora wanted to add anything or take anything out then i really would enjoy her feedback, we shall post the script ASAP. this way we can discuss what we like/dislike about the scene and also where we are in the storyline but also what we want add/leave out next time.

I will hopefully write up the script here today and shall report on how the filming.

By Hannah

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