Wednesday 10 February 2010

Last Filming Day

Yesterday we filmed the last scene of our coursework. We only really filmed the Queen Bee's walking down a corridor and quickly talking to 'Tasha' to save time and make it easier to edit for us instead of filming the transformation scene we took pictures and are going to have an over the top audio of Lydia saying 'Welcome to St Ivan's'
I think the filming went well as our extras knew what they were doing in the scene and we did a couple on practice runs to see if the camera's position worked well for the panning.
I'm glad we have finished the filming before half term as we have done well with our time management as now our free time during school after half term can be used to edit all of the film together and find the music we need and add the titles to the appropriate frames.

Today we should edit the scene we filmed yesterday and make it all flow together. I am looking forward to having the final product.


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