Thursday 4 February 2010


Today Alana and I were talking about what scenes we were going to include in our film, as we have a lot of them in our previous story board.
We think that we should cut out the scenes in which the Queen Bee's and Milly get out of each of their cars and then we do a tilt shot of each of them to show the contrast between them, we thought that we should get rid of them because they are very time consuming and they will take up the majority of our 2 minute time limit.
I also suggested that in the scene where the Queen Bee's are bitching about the new girl we should mix the shot of Milly walking into school and looking up at the school where she also bites her lip as to suggest that she is nervous into this shot, as then we can say that we have used Shot-reverse-shot, which I think would be an effective way of introducing Milly into the film and
This then cuts down the strict time limit.

I am also going to blog the new storyboard which I drew earlier so Hannah can see it as she was ill today.

Alana & Hannah let me know on what you think of this :)

By Laura (:

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