Tuesday 9 February 2010


Yesterday we uploaded the After Party scene and started the cutting and editing of all the different frames. We've made the frames flow together with match on action and different transitions.
We've also edited this scene with the rest of the scenes we have film and uploaded to see how long our filming is at the moment. Unfortunately we have gone over the 2 minute's allowed so we are having to seriously think about what frames we actually need to make the story be told but still look good.
I think personally that we should cut out any dialogue that isn't needed, for example; the dialogue in the bitching scene which isn't about Tasha isn't needed and then we can cross cut from this scene to the scene of Tasha coming to school. I think that this will give the effect that they're superior than Tasha and also tell the audience that the film is going to be based around these four girls.
Though, I don't think we should start cutting out large parts of our film just yet until we have the final scene (which we are filming today) uploaded so then we can really concentrate and talk about which bits are and aren't needed.


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