Thursday 4 February 2010

Script for tomorrow's filming

Alana and I are going to write a script for tomorrows re-re-re-filming of our After party scene.

Establishing shot - extras dancing and talking

Queen Bees walk in.
Queen Bees sit down

Jasmin: That was really slaggy Lydia

Tasha Turns Round

Tasha: What was really slaggy?

Lydia: Nothing, Don't worry about it Tash
Tasha: No. really what?

Ellouise: She got with your boyfriend!

Lydia stands up and looks at Amy with disgust

Lydia: Thanks Ellouise!

Tasha throws her drink over Lydia

Tasha: You slag!!!

Lydia: gasp You weren't like this 6 months ago.

Pan of everyones expressions - some are laughing and others have shocked faces

Queen Bees walk out
Lydia walks towards a sofa.

End Scene

By Alana and Laura and Hannah

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