Thursday 4 February 2010

The video of camera practice

This is the video to show us trying out different camera angles, shots and movement. Also it shows different ways we could film dialogue.
We practiced filming a pan movement of Milly walking up the stairs with the camera on the tripod to see how smooth the movement was.
We also did a high angle of Milly walking up the stairs to see whether this angle shows her to be more vulnerable as we could do with having the character Milly plays portrayed as the vulnerable new girl.
After this we then put the camera in the middle of a circle whilst Hannah, Laura, Milly and Dan were having a conversation to see whether that would be a better movement to use for filming a conversation. However, watching it back it could make people feel dizzy.
We also tried a low angle of Milly which successfully made her seem important and powerful which is what we exactly need to portray the Queen Bee's as.
I think that the match on action we tried to do didn't work at all. So I think if we should practice doing this shot and make sure we have some match on action in our film.


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