Wednesday 10 February 2010

Evaluation of Filming Yesterday

Yesterday we filmed the final scene in our movie; I think it went really well as everything went to plan.

The actors we used for the people in the corridor worked well and did what we told them with ease. The Queen Bee's were very well behaved and also worked well with what we told them to do. Again we used the 'FREEZE!' action within our filming, we felt that this was the most effective way to get all of the actors to freeze in their positions to help with the continuity.

I am very glad that the filming is over as we have now got to finish the editing and inter cut scenes, we are nearly finished with our filming and we are quite ahead of the other people in our class with editing and filming, as many of them have finished filming but haven't started editing yet.

Yesterday we spent most of our media lesson editing what we already had and finding music for these points, we found a perfect piece of music to open up the scene with our establishing shot. This then stops at the point in which Amy's characters says 'She got with your Boyfriend'. we think that this is perfect because it then emphasises the important fact that Lydia was just messing with Tasha and wasn't really genuine to her. This worked really well.

By Laura (:

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