Tuesday 9 February 2010

Media Lesson

At the moment we are currently cutting down our film and so it is shorter so we can put in some of the new scene that we are filming today. We are also trying to put on our Production company (Working Title as it is short and will not add time to our film) onto our film. Working title was one of the companies that we considered doing from before when I (Hannah) suggested it.
We have decided to film our new and final scene today also. We will be filming the transformation scene and had new ideas in how to do this and so we will try them all and see which one looks the best and this will show us the one to use and add to our film. To add more of an effect we will be putting music over the top that we have found off a free copy website and also a narrative of the queen bees and possibly Tasha.

By Alana, Laura and Hannah

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