Tuesday 9 February 2010

Research into Chick Flicks

I'm going to research the types of people who go and see Chick Flicks, I am going to analyse as many films as I can to do with the Chick Flick Genre.

I am going to start with St Trinians;
This is a screen shot of the types of people and ages of people who went to see this film.

As you can see from the Image above it was mainly Teenagers who went to see this film, and the majority of them are female, which does make sense as this is a Chick Flick. The class of people going to this film are C1.

The second film I am going to analyse is John Tucker Must Die

This is a screen shot of the ages of people who went to go and see John Tucker Must Die

As you can see from the above image again it was mainly teenagers who went to see this film, there was a split gender as there was both male and female (50%) each.

By Laura (:

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