Saturday 23 January 2010

The After Party Scene: Take 2

On Friday after school we re-filmed the After Party scene and this time the sound successfully worked.
What I really liked about this scene was how we started from a close up of a fairy light to zooming out into an establishing shot to show the audience a group of different clicks at a house enjoying themselves.
I know very well that we included pretty much all the different shots and angles to try and create the atmosphere we wanted. Which worked really well.
The scene was shot in the 6th Form common room so I used props and moved some of the furniture round to make a certain corner seem more like a house.
We borrowed bowls and cups to have on a table to have food and drink in which i think worked well for this scene as if it was a really after party there would be some small snacks lying around the house.
Also the fairy lights that we borrowed from our media teacher Mrs Martin definitely made the corner seem more like a party at a house because the fact that it wasn't major light effects but casual lighting effect.
We also used a wheeled chair to improvise as a dolly if necessary which i thought was a good idea. And we could use it again later in filming.
Overall, i think the filming went well though i think that our first filming of this scene would of been better to use. But i am very pleased and happy we have one of the major scenes done and can start on the next school scene which we should start planning and organizing soon.


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