Wednesday 27 January 2010

Locker scene

Well today we filmed a scene which wasn't originally on the story board. But as we borrowed a friends bag for the introduction scene of Milly's character Tasha. I thought that instead of always needing to borrow Jonny's bag we may as well film Tasha placing the bag into a locker. To which Hannah had the idea to use this scene to introduce the Queen Bee's staring her down.
The filming went extremely well. We started the scene with a cantered low angle of Milly feet walking towards a locker. To which we tried Hannah's idea of placing the camera inside the locker to see Milly's face whilst she is opening the locker.
When we filmed Milly shutting the locker you can see the Queen Bee's in the background to which i zoom in on their facial expressions to see them smirking at each other and Tasha.
This scene will continue to the Queen Bee's dragging Tasha off to which we'll do a fast shot down a corridor whilst the Bee's are changing Milly whilst walking.
I think this will go very well and the continuity is going to be rather easy to keep the same and i am very pleased with the filming today.
Minus the problems with the camera's which seemed to keep dying on us which luckily didn't make us give up with the filming.


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