Tuesday 26 January 2010

School Scene(s)

For the next couple of scenes we're going to be using Milly and The Queen Bee's in their school uniform.
I'm going to look at some American and British school uniforms to show the contrast between the two.
In America people who go to private schools have a smart school uniform, students who go to a public state school usually wear their own clothes.

Private American School Uniform. I think that the American Private school girls wear these type of things because they are meant to look similar, as they pay to go to school and they probably cannot express themselves as they may be too busy learning manners and how to be a 'lady'

What I think a typical American State School Student would typically wear on a daily basis.
I chose these items because I have watched a few American programmes involving school girls and they generally wear relaxed clothes, which involved jeans shirt and converse. I also chose this because as I although do not go to an American school I am in 6th form and I wear these type of Clothes.
In contrast to this again in private schools in the UK they wear a smart[er] uniform. In public schools in the UK they were a 'relaxed' school uniform consisting of Shirt/Blouse, Trousers/Skirt, Tie, Jumper and/or Blazer.
In the private schools in the UK the uniforms usually consist of more of a smart 'office suit'. this usually consists of Trousers/Skirt, Shirt/Blouse, Tie (for men) and a Blazer for both sexes.

What a private school in the UK might wear for school uniform. This is taken from the film 'St Trinians' which Hannah has analysed, this is a British type film. I feel that it gave the best perspective of a Private school's uniform in the UK

This is what I know and think a public school student in the UK would wear, as the uniform is more relaxed here than in the Private schools. I chose this picture because as I was a student here in a public school I know what the Uniform looks like.
In 6th form in most schools in the UK they wear their own clothes, this shows that the 6th form stand out from the rest of the school as they look individual, and not carbon copies of one another. This is again a contrast to an American school, because if they go to a public state school then they wear their own clothes which helps them to express who they throughout their school years.
School uniform is again a very typically British thing to wear, so this again keeps with the UK Chick Flick theme in our Movie.
In response to Hannah previous comment about the Script I think having Alana as the second Script writer is a good idea as then Alana can then reinforce Hannah's ideas and maybe bring some ideas of her own to the Script.
In response to Alana's previous comment I think that with the Queen Bee's and Milly's School uniform they are going to have to improvise and make sure that they Amy and Priya look the same as they are trying to copy the Queen Bee. If this is the case then Hannah should be wearing something similar to them but at the same time completely different. I think they should do this as it keeps with the feeling of the Prom scene, where Amy and Priya have similar hair styles and they are wearing similar dresses whereas Hannah has completely different hair and a completely different dress.
By Laura :)

1 comment:

  1. I really like what Lora has done here with the costume as i think this is somthing that we really needed to focus on as it was school unifomr that we wanted to be rpesent as our location was infact a school and we also have alot of extras that need to look as if they are united. I feel that we use the uniform as a baseline for the characters and each group adapt and accesorize their own uniform to look like they belong to a differnt social group which is one of the main themes that we are trying to combat within our film.

    By Hannah
