Tuesday 26 January 2010

Camera Work

Today I practised using the camera on the tripod to see the difference from having to hold the camera. The picture came out more smooth and you can easily adjust the height to easily show anyone more powerful or important than anyone else.
With this we did a video of someone walking up the stairs and round with a nice smooth sweep. Starting from a high angle and following them wind round the stairs. Which looks really good so I think we should try and use less hand held camera footage in our film and use the tripod now as it will look more professional.
Also we tried creating our own dolly. Unfortunately the wheeled chair that we'd be able to use often has very loud creaking wheels which would definately be heard during our film. The other object we tried was a running cart which would of been a good thing to use as a dolly but it made the camera wobbly on the surface.

So both of these tests didn't succeed so we are going to have to think of something else to use as a dolly. Though I think any object we use will create some sort of background noise which will be very frustrating to use.

I also think we need to include more high and low angles to really show which are the superior characters in the film. As we saw today whilst practising the low angle of Milly walking down some stairs made her look extremely important and super. Which is what we need for the Queen Bee characters.
We should also try and get more harder shots to help us push our film to the next level. As all we are using at them moment is over the shoulder shots, two shots and close ups.
We need to use the range of shots, movement and angles that we have been taught and use them to our benefits.


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