Thursday 28 January 2010


Today I saw the scene that Hannah and Alana filmed yesterday, I have to agree with them both as it does look very good and I am proud of them both for having a go at something new. The match on action of the scene is really good, the cantered angle at the beginning of Milly walking is a really good idea as it may give the audience the impression that something bad is going to happen. I couldn't attend the filming session because I had work to do with a friend which we had pre-arranged. I have said to Alana that I would like to edit and she is going to let me do some editing when we get the next opportunity.
Today we decided that we might have to re-film the after party scene (AGAIN!) because the girls think that in the shots that we filmed it doesn't look like a house, I said we could justify this by saying that the scaffolding in the background is from flats and the random chairs and sofa's everywhere could be how someone likes to live! But I do agree with them as it does look a bit weird, Alana is going to talk to her parents tonight to see if we can film it at her house next Friday, I think that if we do it at Alana's house it will be more relaxed as we won't have a strict time limit of 5pm to finish filming. Also if we do go to Alana's house then we will be able to get everyone ready and we should definatley be more relaxed.
I also think that the shots will still be as good as the ones that we have shot at school. I really like the shots that I used in filming. I would like Alana and Hannah to give me their input on if they want to film as they only have to ask, and also what shots we should use as we can change them slightly if they need to be changed. I also think that the FREEZE technique that we used should still be carried on as it was very effective

By Laura (:

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