Monday 4 January 2010

General things we need to consider (First post of 2010! :))

This is our Facebook Fan Page For our Movie
I decided that this would be the easiest and quickest way of telling everyone what we are filming, when we are filming, what they need to bring, etc etc

These are the Groups that we have decided to have in our Film & who is in which group

Queen Bees
Hannah Thurlow - Lydia
Amy Stewart
Priya Patel
Neeks / Nerds
Laura-Jayne Way
Bonnie Man
Charlotte Docwra
(Suzi Homer - extra)
Grungers & BAND
Robyn Feegrade
Charlie Dowd
Lucy Smith-Jones
Dom Sturgeon
Preppy Girls
Alison Davies
Katherine Yearly
Clare West
Martha Collins
Hannah Minns
Gerneral Boys
Chris Styan
Stu Reeves
Laurence Bolton
Jonathan Howe
Dan Rossell
Charlie Surrey
Carl Downs
Otis Brayer
(Alec Mills & Joe Bird - extras)

Food, Drink, Decorative things for the Drama Studio
Cherryade - to look like Rosé
Apple Juice & Lemonade - Apple Tizer
Bread and Butter (to look like Sarnies)
Tortilla Chips

-To decorate the Drama Studio
Fairy lights
Table covers
Plastic cups
Silver platters for Food

-For the Band
Drum Kit

-For Alana to do Hair
Kirby grips
Hair wax

- For Hannah to do Make-Up
Old makeup people don't mind donating for us to use

-Other Props
3-D Glasses for the nerdy people to wear
Dom's Mini for the Car scene for Milly to get out of, a typically English Car
A nice posher car for The Queen Bee's to get out of.

Queen B's
School Day - Skirts, Black Tights, Black or Coloured High Heels, White Shirts & Ties
Prom Scene - Elegant Dresses like no-one Else's.
School Day - Either Trousers, Skirts or Shorts, Black Tights, Long Socks, 3-D Glasses
Prom - 'Neeky' dresses
School Day - Stripey beanies, Black Jeans, Khaki Colours, D/C's,Vans, Fingerless Gloves, Zip Hoodies - No fear?
Prom - Smart Shirts & Jeans or Tux's & Dresses
Preppy Girls
School Day - Mid Length Skirts, White Shirts, Long Socks & Tights
Prom - Dresses or High Waisted skirt / shorts & nice top & tights
General Boys
School Day - Relaxed School Uniform
Prom - Nice shirt & jeans - Smart. or a Tux

By Laura :)

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