Sunday 24 January 2010

The next scenes.

The next scene could either be the scene before Tasha arrives at the school, this is the one with Dom & his mini, as he is dropping his 'sister' off for school. I think the continuity for this could be difficult, as trying to match up the continuity between the shots. To solve this we could have Dom drive up to where Tasha (Milly) starts walking and just do a shot of her feet as she gets out of the car, as I think this would be easier and probably a lot easier to match-on-action.
As I am the director I shout 'FREEZE!' when I want everyone to stand still so I can get a different angle, I also try to stay on the same side of the 180 degree rule, as I don't want the shots to not make any sense.
In this scene I think a slow set of shots would be more effective, as Tasha will be anxious and reluctant to get out of the car, whereas in contrast when we film the Queen Bee's getting out of the car we can do a quick mash of shots, to signify that the most important (or as they like to think) people have arrived for school. I think if we do it this way you will be able to see the contrast between the two sets of characters.
The other next scene will be Tasha been changed into one of the Queen Bees. This will be a montage of quick shots of things being changed. They will be
  • Tasha's hair being taken out of its ponytails
  • Her tie being loosened
  • Her top button and a couple more being unbuttoned
  • Skirt being shortened
  • Lip gloss being applied to her lips


I think for this scene we should have the camera stationary behind Tasha and we see the Queen Bee's adding things to her and taking things away from her

I can't wait to carry on filming, I'm really enjoying it

Laura :)

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