Monday 4 January 2010

Thoughts of Laura's comment

I really think what we have talked about and listed today was a really good way in seeing what we need to do, I think we all really need to be on the ball now leading up to filming. I have spoken with a lot of the people on the list and they all seem to have a positive attitude on appearing in our film, so that will be very good in order of numbers of people turning up. I feel that we will need to send out a facebook notice or something ASAP this is because if we don't we may run out of time in what we need to notify people to bring and when and where types of information.
Another thing that I forgot to mention this morning was that we need to think about skateboards for dolly's; either Laura and Alana or I don't know who we decided to bring it. I have given a rough idea to people about what to bring and what to expect.
At this moment I am writing our script, I was thinking I may use some English slang to make sure it seems a very British make, looking at films like 'Angus, Thongs and perfect snogging' the classic words such as 'minging' and so on. I feel this would really define our work and make it look very obvious about where we are setting our film and the type of people that our story will follow. I was also thinking of our new girl 'Natasha' as she will be coming from a private school she will of course be using proper English and grammar, showing a contrast between the social class of our characters.
I really loved that piece of music that Laura showed us today that was created by Robyn's band i really feel we could use this in the prom scene, of course we will have to ask for permission and whether it would be possible if we use some of their other songs to appear in our film. I feel their music could contribute a lot to our film enhancing the moods we are trying to create and the British 'School' theme we are aiming for.

Let me know what you think

By Hannah

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