Tuesday 26 January 2010

Today in Our Media Lesson

In our Media lesson we tested some different dolly types.

We used a wheelie chair to begin with, but we found that on a wooden or laminate surface the chair makes a lot of noise, so we then tried the wheelie chair on carpet and it was near to silent. In the Drama studio we found another dolly we could use. It was like a Air Hostess trolley, we tried this on the carpet and it was much smoother as the top of the trolley was flat, compared the the wheelie chair which was padded for comfort.

Above - these were the two different types of Dolly that we experimented with.
I found that the Trolley was better if we wanted a smoother film line, but it could only go forwards and backwards which would make it ideal if we were following the action and we needed to wheel the camera quickly to keep up with the action.
The chair was good as well, as the casters on the bottom of the chair went in all direction and not just forward or backwards, but it was annoying when we were trying to move it around in a straight line as it went everywhere and it was difficult to move. This would be ideal if we were doing a pan around someone as we could wheel it in different directions and it would be smooth.
The video of us experimenting is on Alana's tape, we should be able to upload it sometime soon and then I will comment on the video and say what I said here.
By Laura :)

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