Monday 25 January 2010

Response to Alana's Post

I really agree with Alana on the fact that we do indeed need to include some match on action and yes, I do believe that a good place to put some in would be in the car scene with Tasha and Tasha's brother.
I had another thought that when we come to film the locker scene we could put the camera in the locker and the audience would be able to see Tasha's face when she finally opens the locker. I think this would give us a real insight into our characters emotions. Also I think this would be a good place to introduce our Queen Bees, when Tasha swings the locker door shut the Queen Bees are standing there looking at her and then we will be able to start using the dialogue that we have written. As I have been writing the script up till now I have now included Alana in writing the script and to have a second opinion on what I have come up with so far. I feel this will be a really good way to put in more than one persons interpretations of the characters and also we can use more slang language within parts of the script which i have not picked up on yet.

I am really looking forward to continuing with this.


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