Tuesday 26 January 2010

practicing filming

Today we decided that we would all have a go at filming, first of all Alana had a go and was really focusing in on the angles.
I then decided I wanted to try and do some tracking with the camera but from a stationary point, I filmed Alana running and jumping onto Milly. This was a useful piece of footage as it really let me grasp the speed at which we needed to film at but also the smoothness that we could get by just using a tripod. I will try and post this at a later date.
Another thing that I tried was again experimenting with levels of the camera i filmed a conversation between Alana and Laura and when I watched it i was extremely pleased with the results. I used a low angle shot of Laura's feet walking towards and meeting Alana's, this looked really dramatic as it kept the audience waiting and anticipating what the characters were going to look like without actually revealing their appearance straight away. I also used the tripod to establish the 180 degree rule and this worked as the audience were not disorientated by the switching of characters position. I also used a POV shot this was my favorite shot this really put the audience into the scene, it was hard to try and position the camera at the same place and height as the character being talked to, but I really feel like it has paid off. I also used a over the shoulder shot this again acted as a way in which i could put the audience into the scene and really feel like they are part of the story line. I managed to film the scene with very little editing needed which I was very pleased about as this showed me that I could really have some potential with the camera. By doing this scene it has also given me confidence with using the camera and that i would be able to shot some footage that would be able to be put into our film and look really good.

In the afternoon we decided to see if we could make a dolly in order to do some track shots while the characters were moving. This would really give a sensation of movement and fluidity within the footage but also make the audience feel as if they are moving with the action.
We decided on using a wheelie chair and then position a tripod with the camera attached to it. We began to film however the floor seemed to noisy on the wheels, so we decided to use the drama studio which has a carpeted floor this reduced the sound. Overall the filming was quite successful i really loved the smooth transition of the scene while keeping up with the characters. I really think that we could use this in our film when we film the queen bees walking down the corridor.


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