Thursday 21 January 2010

Filming: The school entrance of Tasha

Today we filmed the school entrance of Tasha. We effectively were able to manage our time and within around an hour we were able to shoot our small scene of Tasha and her nervous entrance into 'ST. Ivans' . Milly who was playing Tasha did a great job we were able to show a lot of the emotion Milly portrayed through the camera and i hope we will be able to convey that to the audience so they too feel as if they are starting a new school with Tasha.
We feature a shot of Milly our actress playing 'Tasha', We can see in the picture what we tried to show through the stereotypical clothing of a 'Geeky' girl which i think has worked really well. We made her skirt long, with the tucked in shirt and plain shoes. Her hair is tied back into small bunches giving a child like impression and also the little use of make-up shows that our character does not take much care to wearing make-up but prefers her education. We also gave our character some props to use such as the big ruck-sack that a popular 'queen Bee' would not be seen wearing as it is off the practical boyish style. Another was that of the glasses, Milly actually wears glasses in real life, but it really added to the character of Tasha as she was of the 'geeky/academic/intelligent' social band.
We used many shots while filming this scene to give a lot of variety and depth to the storyline and also try and portray some of the emotions Tasha would be feeling to the audience as we tried to create an emotional attachment between audience and Tasha. As said previously we did use POV shots (looking at the school in Tasha's eyes), long shot (putting Tasha into the scene and making her seem quite small), low angle shot (of the school making the school look large and menacing, forcing the audience to feel intimidated), canted angle (which gave the impression of confusion, nervousness and disorientation). These were a few of the shots used.
We also used a microphone to pick up the dialogue spoken by the character. This time we made sure it was turned on.. The microphone did manage to block out most of the background noise but as we were outside filming there was a lot of noise about not to mention that there was a pretty strong wind about not helping the sound.
Before we filmed we did a short commentary and orientation of the preparation for the scene and we will post this at a later date. this enables use to explain what we were aiming for and how we managed to tackle the obstacles in trying to get ready for the following scene. This is also a good way that we can see how we can avoid possible difficulties in the future for filming but also a good diary of what we did which can be seen by others.

By Hannah

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