Thursday 21 January 2010

Make-up ideas for filming

As the majority of our film will be a school scene I think it would be appropriate to look at some of the make-up shown on big leading chick-flicks that we are trying to aspire to to get the same audience response that we are looking for.
The first I looked as was the classic 'mean girls' this gave a very useful insight that 'Regina George' who is the queen bee in this film wears quite extravagant eye make-up which accentuates her eyes making them appear larger and more attractive, giving the overall appeal to girls who want to aspire to be her and males who would want to date her. Another thing that I looked as was that she has very clear skin that seems to be all one tone which again is very appealing to the eyes and also gives and overall beautiful face contributing to her popularity. The next that I looked at was the main character 'Georgia' from the very British chick-flick 'Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging'. The main thing that stood out to me was that off her skin which seems to be completely flawless which is really appealing and one of the things I think we need to take into consideration. I really like the was that she appears to be wearing very little eye make-up giving the impression of natural beauty that I feel our character Tasha should have, which could be one of the reasons that she is picked by our Queen Bees to become one of them.
The next I looked at was that of St. Trinnians they are a slightly more unrealistic approach to schooling but none the less very popular with the female audience. The more 'Preppy' looking students was again something we were taking into consideration for our characters again another thing I found was the clear and even skin tone of the characters which I think we can accomplish with good foundation on our characters. another thing are the lips and eyes that are exaggerated by lip gloss and eye liner and mascara which makes the characters more seductive and giving them a 'sexy' edge. But I did look at some party scenes used in the films there was very little differences between the make-up it just appeared to be more apparent and heavy especially around the eyes with eye-liner and mascara but also eyeliner that was applied. This may be helpful to use when shooting our after party scene.

I hope this is helpful, I know it is for me as I will be the one applying it to most of the characters and it gives me an insight to what to apply to make a movie looking student.

By Hannah

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