Thursday 21 January 2010

Character Profile

Actor: Hannah Thurlow
Character: Lydia (Queen Bee)
We chose Hannah to be the Queen Bee because she has the perfect facial features that a popular girl would consist of also her hair is the colour and length and can be styled as a popular girl. Making her the best appropriate person to be the Queen Bee in our film.

Actor: Milly Leppard
Character: Natasha/Tasha
We chose Milly because she's naturally pretty which will be good for the transformation scene because she also naturally has curly hair which most geeky girls have. Also to have the final geeky look she wears glasses which we are using in the film.

Actors: Amy Stewart & Priya Patel
Characters: Ellouise & Jasmine
We chose Amy and Priya because they are too both very pretty girls and also rather small and slim which in most chick flick popular girls are. They both have long hair. Amy has the common blonde hair blue eyed look that popular girls have and Priya has the lovely dark hair and dark eyes. They compliment and contrast each other as they are opposite yet in the same school group.


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