Monday 25 January 2010


We have had some ideas about the scene that we're coming up to film. Hannah will be filming the shot where Tasha places her school bag in a locker and takes out a folder. This way we will not need to keep taking Jonny's bag. Also this gives Hannah a chance to film as she is a character. Hannah will be able to insert many different camera movement and angles for this small shot. I think that the shot would also be smooth and make Tasha seem vulnerable which is how we want to portray this character.


We have also thought that the scene where Dom drops Milly off would be a great opportunity to switch roles and so Alana will be able to gain some camera work and Laura will be able to use the mic for the first time.
We will also be able to use Alana and Lora's new learned skills when we do the scene where the 'Queen Bee's' walk down the corridor. For this scene we will use a dolly as we track the characters and we will be able to use the tripod and the wheelie chair.
We hope that with each of us learning these different skills we will be able to become more talented with all of the equipment and gain more experience throughout. We hope that this new thought may help us throughout filming as we will be able to share our knowledge but also our own ideas and thoughts about filming our media movie.


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