Monday 25 January 2010

Prep for next filming session

The scene where Tasha is walking into school. We need to get hold of our props, such as; a Mini and Jonny's bag.
I think that this should go according to plan however, the only part I am stressing about is the continuity of this shot with the previous shot we did the previous week.
I also think that we should try and some match on action with this scene where Tasha opens the car door and have it from Dom's POV and then match it to the outside of the car and have her getting out.
We could also use the match on action in a different sense and use it from her feet. Also we should really include some high angle to actually make Tasha seem like a new vulnerable student because we haven't actually achieved this yet.
I think, if we can create like a steady-cam to do a track long shot of when the car is being driven into the school and round to the front.


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