Tuesday 19 January 2010

First Successful Filming Session

Yesterday we finally started filming our coursework. We were meant to be filming a Ball scene but our cast didn't decide to turn up with the right costumes. Apart from our main characters Hannah (Lydia), Amy (Ellouise), Priya (Jasmine) and Milly (Tasha).
In the end we had to change the Ball scene to an 'after-prom-house-party' which in my opinion went well and will most likely make the film seem more British as Proms are normally an American thing.
Laura would shout freeze to make sure the cast stayed still so she could change the angle, and position of the camera so it consists of many different camera movements and shots.
I was doing continuity which i believe was met well. As i made sure that if the any part of the shot was filmed again i made sure peoples drinks were refilled and the food bowls were in the right place.
Overall I believe that the filming went well and i think we have included everything we have learnt into filming this scene.

I believe that we are already planning and getting our cast ready to film another scene on Thursday and Friday.
And we need to write a letter to go to tutors to let them know we may be filming in an area one day in the morning of children in school uniforms coming into school..


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