Monday 18 January 2010

First scene of our filming is done!

Today we started our filming, as we weren't able to film 2 Fridays ago, we used today and we're going to use Friday as well.
We made some slight changes to our first scene because we emailed our characters to tell them that we were filming today and not many of them got back to us.
The people who did get back to us did remember to bring in dresses but as we only had 3 boys in our scene we decided to change the scene to a 'Prom after party' as this was much easier to do as an after party doesn't necessarily have lots of people in it.
I found filming lots of different shots difficult and it was very time consuming doing the same shots over and over again, but once we had done the scene it was very overwhelming.
Everyone looked gorgeous and I'm very excited to see what the first scene will look like
We're going to film the next couple of scenes on Friday which hopefully will run smoothly.

Laura :)

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