Monday 25 January 2010

School Scenes

Well as we're doing a chick flick in a school our characters will be wearing uniform. They will also be wearing uniform because it's a very British thing that schools do. The uniform makes a school feel united and friendly to outside people. However, our film is going to have a twist of course.
The neeks will have superb uniform, everything neat and tidy.
The grungers will have their uniform tatty. Maybe even muddy to show that they don't care about their appearance as much. They could also be wearing the skater shoes and beanies.
Then there is the 'Queen Bee's' they will be wearing the school uniform but putting it to how they wish. So, for example, they will have short skirts with knee high socks on and high heels. Also their tops will be low cut with a loose tie with a fashionable top underneath.
Having the uniform like this still brings the British part of our film out but also shows the different groups that schools have in any country.
Here is a picture of the length and style the geeky group will have to wear. But of course we'll have to improvise as they'll have to wear their old school uniform:
And here is a picture of the style the 'Queen Bee's' will be wearing. As it shows the short skirt and knee high socks:


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