Wednesday 20 January 2010


We saw the tape of our first time filming and we hit a wall hard.
The filming and shots and movement, costume. hair and make up were perfect unfortunately we had a rather big technical problem.
The student who was in charge of holding the microphone seemed to have forgotten to turn it on.
This means that we are further delayed in our film and meaning all our cast is going to have to return and re-shoot the previous scene.
Which also results in us having to find and buy all of the props used to reset the scene.
Our cast are now going to have to use up their spare time to help us get this scene done.


1 comment:

  1. I feel soooo bad!! I was unaware that you needed to switch it on. Also I think it was actually the battery that went becuase it worked fine when you tested the microphone in the changing rooms didn't it? Well all I can say is sorry.
