Friday 29 January 2010

The locker scene

Yesterday we filmed the locker scene, and we have viewed and edited the scene. I really loved doing this scene, I was able to do a lot of filming in this scene and I was really pleased with the amount of angles that I was able to get. Throughout the scene I was able to use a canted angle, locker shot which showed a close up of Milly's face (a bit of action shot) this showed the audience her real emotions as no one could see her emotions from the scene around her this is how we were able to create a real emotional bond between Tasha and the audience. Alana then shot an over shoulder shot and a POV shot (Tasha's POV) this gave the audience the unhinging first impression of the queen bees, who seem to smirk at Tasha. I was on screen at the this point and so the camera work was done by Alana and was very good. I was also able to get a medium shot of Milly's body and response to the introduction of the Queen Bees.
I really enjoyed the filming I thought that I was able to use some really good angles and shots this gave me confidence with using the equipment and so in the future I think I will be able to do it again when i next get the opportunity and I am not needed on screen. I would also like to continue to do some more microphone work as i really enjoyed it when i did the mic work when Tasha entered the school and arrived.
During the editing of the locker scene I was with Alana who did the majority of the Editing for this scene, I was able to advise Alana, with two peoples opinion and watching of the scene but with also other people watching and commenting we were really able to focus in on specific parts of the film and editing, which is why maybe it was so successful. We were also able to add in a really smooth continuity shot which is really fantastic to watch as it is so subtle. I was really pleased with the editing for this scene and I hope that we will be able to have all the rest of the scenes likes this as it was of very high quality and it made the scene look very professional.

By Hannah

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